This is the english version
The national budget is the balance sheet, through which the State balance public revenues received by taxes and government spending. Given that the national budget is an issue of great importance to the development of the country economy, this section is analyzed under the framework of budgetary principles, allocation of resources at national level in health, education and infrastructure.
Economic growth covers indicators such as production of goods and services (GDP), savings, social investment, trade balance, among others that are directly
related to economic welfare. Addresses issues related to the measures taken by countries, indicators improve and promote the increase in living standards of the population.
Economic topics
Nota Económica comments about different economic issues of national and international news, analyzing the impact on different markets of Colombia and the world.
Infrastructure is a key component that contributes to economic development in nations and their external sector. The infrastructure is the platform that establishes the social structure, development and promotes change. Colombia is currently undertaking various investments to improve infrastructure in order to improve productivity, enhance competitiveness and stimulate the economy of regions. Allowing to generate economic incentives in the public and private sector and encouraging foreign investment.
The availability of credit to encourage investment and consumption, is a tool that aims to boost the economy of the nation. The demand for this instrument is linked to the behavior of interest rates. This rate reflects the macroeconomic policy of the country, including the central bank (Banco de la Repúbilca), fixed with the aim of promoting low inflation, economic growth and financial stability. Additionally the movement of global markets impacts the behavior of interest rates. This section includes the analysis of these issues and factors affecting these elements.
Macroeconomics studies different aspects of the economy, based on the analysis of data derived from observation and statistics to measure the success of a country. This section includes topics related to sectoral performance, employment and poverty among others, including the impact of work done by the working population and businesses in the general economy of the country concerned. Employment is one of the foundations of economic development, which contributes to improving the quality of life of the population and reduce poverty, allowing cities work and creating alternatives to conflict.