Road Infrastructure for Bogota and its Economic Impact.
Among the plans of infrastructure in the country it is scheduled for a third lane road to Bogotá Girardot. In fact opened by the national infrastructure agency, ANI, as mentioned by the country's newspapers, the tender for the construction of a third lane in each direction, to be implemented through a Public-Private Partnership Private Initiative (APP-IP) .This method does not include state resources but is assumed entirely by the private sector in exchange for a long period of concession.

This is the road corridor through which more cargo and passengers is mobilized across the country. The work of the third lane on the route Bogotá-Girardot highway will allow the road, which is now dual carriageway, will be six lanes, three lanes in each direction. The estimated construction investment of $ 1.71 billion. The proposals will be received until next July 11 and the project will be awarded on August 12. As for the projects to decongest inputs and outputs to Bogota, as mentioned in the official sources, it is 22 projects among which is the Bridge Street 80 which is on site at the northwest, up to the Bogota River and it should be completed in the first half of this year. The work include the construction of three lanes at the exit of Bogota and once operational, the four lanes of the current road will be input. In addition, the initiative will have a connection for vehicles leaving the Lisboa neighborhood in Suba, to Siberia (Cundinamarca). In four years they will begin to see the first results of the 22 projects being carried out to unlatch the city. Another initiative that recently received authorization from the Council of Ministers, was the expansion of the North Highway and Seventh Avenue and are on the table 21 more projects, 17 are under study, two of them in the process of structuring and three are to rail projects. Worth noting that only one of these is public initiative all others are APP private initiative with private resources. Moreover, a provision is that before the first half of 2016 is completed is expected to be under construction ALO road in the southern section, which extends from the Mondoñedo intersection to highway 13 with highway Boyaca, and within two months, it is due to start work on the expansion of the northern highway and the seventh road. Work to be paid primarily with long concession periods. On the other hand in the modernization of tolls, to electronic tolls opened by the publication of the final through Invías specifications, the tender project of Public Private Partnership (PPP) for the equipment, operation, maintenance and organization toll stations and implementation of vehicle electronic collection. Within the process until May 18 will be receiving proposals from interested companies for the award is on 28 June.

The project will have an investment of approximately $ 148,825 million and a term of five years. In total, are 20 toll stations will have the electronic collection, which will impact in departments such as Antioquia, Boyaca, Casanare, Cauca, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Nariño, Tolima, Valle del Cauca and Santander. The total time for the implementation of electronic collection vehicle is 13 months from the start of the execution of the contract. On the issue of national ports, according to information from official sources, investment in 2015 was 2 percent higher than the previous year as ports in Colombia received 754.3 million dollars. The port of Santa Marta, has an investment plan with an amount of 127 million dollars to be executed until 2033, which has already invested 84 million. In 2016 they have projected an investment in the implementation of scanners for non-intrusive inspection of containers among others. Barranquilla in the work will take into account the Magdalena river and has decided to focus efforts on consolidating a logistics platform, which is part of a master plan that has been implemented since the beginning of 2015 with investments of 129.000 million pesos to 2017. Among these investments highlight the construction of the refrigerated warehouse inside the port terminal. Meanwhile, Terminal Company Container Cartagena and the Port Society, proposed in 2016 to invest around 105 million dollars to enable greater storage capacity, plus dredging will take place at 16.5 meters depth to allow the arrival of large ships, which sail this region after the Panama Canal expansion later this year. The implementation of road projects for Bogota and the nearby region mentioned above are to be added to the construction that began in January roads by the APP system public, which correspond to the three waves or packages of routes of fourth generation that are paid with funds from the state (with future fiscal periods at the end of work) and private roads APP with private resources and Invías roads built by the public work system. All this together with the expansion of ports and airports in the country and public housing will have positive economic effects on employment and GDP from the current year. For the years 2017-2021 (according to official and private analysts) full implementation of roads creating about 400,000 jobs between direct and indirect and 1% reduction in the unemployment rate in the country and GDP growth is estimated 1.5% extra. Colombia according to estimates by experts and private research organizations will grow this year by about 2.8% and 3% of GDP, one of the higher in the region and similar to obtained in 2015 and unemployment was falling in recent years is estimated to rise to 9.2% at the end of the year by the economic slowdown from 8.6% result of last year.

Since 2017 full implementation of all road programs and subsidy schemes for public and private housing, the creation of new jobs will offset the decline in jobs in the general economic slowdown that began in the 2015 by falling oil prices. To this is will add the industrial sector since June last year showed signs of recovery were evident with the results of growth in the first two months of this year and the sustained growth of the sectors trade restaurants and hotels and real estate services and financial. Sectors that will be with road infrastructure, the leading sectors that will mark out the country's economic growth surpassing the impact of the fall in the oil sector with low prices and agriculture to climatic phenomena. ----------------------- Today, as global markets, stock markets grow after started to decline, due to the rise in oil prices to 41.75 per barrel (which started down the cessation of the strike in Kuwait) caused by data lower production of crude oil in the United States than expected. In Colombia at this time (11:20 a.m.) COLCAP BVC index rises 0.7% and the peso appreciated to 2,901 against a TRM of 2,912 for today.